Connected Coaching, Week 8: Inquiring
Connected Coaching, Week 8: Inquiring
This is a summary of our online conversation, facilitated by Lani Ritter Hall of #plpnetwork
My tweets for the next hour or so are important points from the Connected Coaching eCourse. #plpnetwork
When do we take a coaching stance in online spaces? #plpnetwork
@beachcat11: It takes determination to make connections and figure things out in online spaces. #plpnetwork
Connections-- good protocol for getting everyone to speak once without judgment. #plpnetwork…
@coyotecizzle: Silence is okay. Our brains need time to paraphrase what other people have said/are saying. #plpnetwork
When rules of a protocol are not being followed, go back to the norms and restate them. And remember-- it's a learning process. #plpnetwork
@lanihall asks a good question for reflection: What things can you imagine doing differently? #plpnetwork
@MDConley57 asks, "How do you know if you are doing the right listening and responding when coaching others?" #plpnetwork
Wonderings: asking what's possible in the form of questions. Freely add ideas, build on others. No evaluating (i.e. "good job"). #plpnetwork
@lanihall asks: How do connected learners collaborate and coach each other across different time zones? #plpnetwork
This is where Blackboard froze on me. Sorry if I missed anything vital to the conversation.
This G+ post contains the Google Doc with our questions.