“Half of bravery is perspective.”
― Veronica Roth, Divergent
My wife cut my hair recently. She had a local stylist and school parent walk her through the process via FaceTime.
We debated prior to the cut about how to best go about this. “Why don’t you just buzz it all off?” I suggested. She demurred. “No, I can do this. Do you trust me?”
Of course I trusted her. (And, really, what choice did I have?) I can also assure you that this would not have occurred under normal circumstances. Home haircuts are not my jam. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the results, especially considering the limits of what my wife had to work with.
During these times, even under varied circumstances, you may have experienced some of the same feelings that I had: anxiety, uncomfortableness, maybe even resignation. And yet I also felt a sense of gratitude that I had someone willing to take a risk with me. We are in this together even when it feels like we are alone.
Trust is easier to come by when options are limited. It’s still hard to let go of old habits and routines. Yet once we do, we might get some perspective about what’s important right now, maybe even for the future.
I have had to let go of my perfectionist tendencies, which has been great for my productivity.
I love this post, Matt. Great story that we can all relate to.