Engaging Literate Minds Book Study Schedule
As announced previously, we will be reading Engaging Literate Minds: Developing Children’s Social, Emotional, and Intellectual Lives, K–3 for this summer's book study. A common question is, how can I participate if I am not a contributor to the blog?
One possibility is to write your own responses to the text as we do, for example on your blog and/or as a series of tweets (i.e. a Twitter thread; use #engaginglitminds as a hashtag). You are encouraged to commit to our reading-writing schedule, summarized below.
June 15-19: Chapters 1-4
June 22-26: Chapters 5-7
June 29 - July 3: Chapters 8-10
July 6-10: Chapters 11-13
July 13-17: Chapters 14-16
Another possibility is to join us for discussions on Wednesdays on the newsletter for each week associated with the suggested chapters. Starting at 4:30 P.M. CST, a question will be posed related to that week's section of the text. Sign up below to ensure participation.
Of course, you are welcome to simply read along with us, both the book and the contributors' posts here. We especially like comments on posts to keep the conversation going. For updates on the study, follow this blog or check out the new book study page.