Fits and Starts
A personal goal of mine is to learn how to use Adobe InDesign. It is a digital publishing program that allows you to draft visual documents such as flyers and eBooks.
Photo by Mikaela Shannon on Unsplash
I’ve opened it up several times, played with the tools, will often end up frustrated, and eventually shut it down. Yet every time I open up InDesign, I learn something new. This learning might be small, such as how to find a preferred template online or how to zoom in on a document. Eventually, I will get the hang of this software, as long as I keep trying.
These types of fits and starts are the necessary beginnings for learning anything. If we introduce something new into our lives and it doesn’t change how we think or work, then we likely didn’t grow. The journey toward a worthy goal is paved with trials and mistakes and restarts.
Suggested Reading:
Writing for an Audience by Andi Sanchez (The Reading Teacher, $)
Affinity Spaces: How young people live and learn online and out of school by James Paul Gee (Phi Delta Kappan, free)
We are on spring break, which means a tech sabbatical for me for about a week. No Twitter, no problem! See you in April. -Matt