I've Got an iPad...Now What?
*This is the email I sent out tonight to the 19 Howe Elementary School teachers taking part in the iPad implementation class offered for professional development. Each teacher received an iPad 2. Their purpose is to discover ways to use this technology tool for reading and math intervention. You are welcome to join us as well. If you want the iPad PD guide as an iBook, DM me your email. -Matt
Teachers, I am emailing you because I have you enrolled in the iPad class for Howe. You should have received an invitation to join howeelem.wikispaces.com; if you didn't let me know. It is a wiki that everyone can contribute to, to add projects, ideas and ask questions of each other. You will need to create an account. Be sure to add your school email during the registration process. I have never used one, so I am hoping some of you will try it out and let me know how it works ;).
A requirement for this PD is join our Edmodo group. Edmodo is like Facebook only for teachers and students. This social network is how we will deliver assignments and award badges for completion of iPad proficiency levels.
1. Go to http://www.edmodo.com/ and sign up as a student. 2. Create your account using the code 35od0D. 3. Be sure to enter your school email so you can receive updates from the site. 4. Enter the group and explore this social network.
Once everyone is enrolled, I will send out a pre-assessment survey and your first assignment. Speaking of assignments...
Would anyone be upset if we did not do the Todd Whitaker book study? Besides the technical issues getting the book, I have some concerns about learning to use the iPad AND reading the eBook at the same time. What are your thoughts? I am good either way. In fact, once we have all on board on Edmodo, our first assignment could be to participate in a poll about this question. We will still read, share and respond to relevant articles about education and technology in place of the book, if that is the way we want to go.
I am learning as we go, just like you. If you have suggestions during this learning process, I would like to hear your ideas.
Have fun!