Keep it Simple
I've been reading that, because our current situation is so complex, we should simplify the educational experience as much as we can.
I agree that clarity and conciseness are important right now. Parents are having to manage both work and family largely from home. Teachers are on a steep learning curve with technology. If we can ensure our communications and expectations are clear, it is helpful.
That said, making teaching and learning simple is not synonymous with basic skill and drill. Simplifying the educational experience can actually lead to deeper and more complex understanding.
For example, instead of assigning ten low-level comprehension questions that students respond to after reading an article or book, a teacher or parent might instead pose one provocative question. Asking “Is it better to give than to receive?” while reading aloud The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein can lead to in-depth student discussions online, facilitated by a thoughtful guide.
Now is an opportunity to slow down. We can do that in our daily interactions with our students by devoting more time for preparing simple yet meaningful learning experiences. They will appreciate the time and our sustained attention on topics that matter to them and enhance our days.
I'll be sharing more about simplicity in education this week on my newsletter. If you do not already receive these posts via email, please sign up below. It's free!
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