#kinderchat is where it's at!
This is a summary of the excellent chat I had on Twitter tonight with kindergarten teachers and administrators. The topic of tonight's discussion was building relationships between principals and teachers. If you have never participated in a chat on Twitter before, this is a great one to start with. I use the TweetDeck app to follow the hashtag #kinderchat so I can see the chat feed, mentions and messages all at the same time.
I also saw this chat as an opportunity to try Storify. It is a web-based tool that allows you to document a conversation you have on social media. This can be very helpful, especially when you cannot keep up with the frenetic pace of a lively conversation online.
Q1 what do you appreciate most about your admin...or your teachers? #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:06:36
A1 I appreciate Ts that have passion and dedication to do what is best for Ss, even if that means challenging the status quo #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:07:37
@MauiMickey as a first year teacher I appreciate that my admin has been open with me and approachable #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:07:38
I appreciate when my admin step up and take the slack for me. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:07:49
I appreciate the professionalism and commitment that they show in their work and the care they have for their students... #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:07:58
My admin are very approachable. They also join us for choir practice on Fridays! #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:08:01
@mauimickey I appreciate trust and willingness to try new ideas. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:08:17
I appreciate that my teachers are there for our students. All the other stuff comes second. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:08:44
As PT admin/curric coach, I appreciate teachers who don't bat an eyelash when I come into their rooms. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:12:55
I appreciate admin that read and follow @toddwhitaker He has the perfect philosophy IMO #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:17:08
What I am impressed with is the participants' various backgrounds and experiences. This is what makes a Twitter chat such a powerful learning tool. You cannot recreate this in the school setting alone.
Q2 Teachers...Do you like it when your admin visits your class? Admins...do you like visiting during the day? #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:16:29
A2 I love the visits. It gives the Ss chances to show their learning and bring them into the play. It is awesome. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:17:56
#kinderchat Q2 - I love to have admin visit during my lessons! I love their feedback; it's helpful as a pre-service to have that support.
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:18:46
Q2 I greatly enjoy visiting rooms. Spend most of my day there. Take my laptop &/or iPad and hangout for good parts of the day... #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:18:53
#kinderchat hi all! Jen from Alberta. A2: LOVE when admin comes into my room. Invited him into my room today to discuss recycling w/ K's
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:19:17
A2 I think a relationship of trust has to be built then all the merrier but come in and play don't just watch. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:19:32
A2: My goal this year: Be in classrooms 25% of the time. Mostly by reading to kids and instructional walks. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:20:10
A2. I love visiting. @jpulvers sends groups of sts 2 visit, read&take funny photos using photo booth-Gr8 2 build relationships #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:20:27
I love visiting classes...Kg in particular. MUST make more time for that! For me, personally, it's energizing.... #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:21:35
Q2 - divide responsibilities with vp so that part of each day is spent in classrooms - iPads with Evernote is awesome for this! #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:21:49
#kinderchat. It's important for Kinders to see admin. It makes admin seem like real people to them. LOL
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:21:55
One of the biggest benefits of #kinderchat is, as a principal, I get a teacher's perspective on things. It helps me put myself in their shoes.
Q3 What is the best way to build community at the school between staff members...and/or students. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:25:08
Q3: We hold our staff meetings in different classrooms. Allows teachers opportunities 2 share with one another. less isolation #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:35:40
Agreed RT @KelliB12: Nice touch @mattwachel RT try to leave a sticky note addressed to the class about something I observed. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:36:56
A3: Also think it's important to include support staff (kitchen/janitor/engineer/office/etc) as part of the school community. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:33:01
My boss connects us to learn from ea other. Someone needs help w/lit groups, she sends them to observe tchr w/great lit groups. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:32:43
Q3 I think community is built on relationships. Getting 2 know your staff & students is key. Also helpful when challenges arise #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:32:15
A3 -Food always works. Building a school community through Pete the Cat. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:32:11
A3 knowing people's names - especially support staff building community. Pictures on wall? Def time outside of school together #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:31:08
What I am trying to do with Storify is curate the tweets that resonated with me, ideas that I may want to apply to my own practice. I can then come back to it later, as well as share it with another group of educators.
Q4 What are the greatest obstacles for building positive relationships in schools? #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:39:13
@MauiMickey A4 in our school its almost too big 600 kids more staff than I can name and 4 admin communication breaks down #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:42:04
A4 our school is huge and complex with inner city challenges. 515 kids, 40 staff. Lack of time is my biggest challenge. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:42:50
A4: Getting caught up in the things that have no bearing on student learning. Try to keep discussions on what matters. #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:43:14
A4. Time, how our buildings are built, more 'open space' needed or the licence to get out of our own rooms. Buddy Classes Rule #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:46:44
If all staff members TWEETED and VALUED it, it would be so much EASIER to share IDEAS!!! #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:45:53
#kinderchat our wellness committee plans we pick & choose - progressive suppers, ladies/men's night baby showers fish Derbys BBQ games nites
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:48:39
I meet with all teachers weekly. Sometimes for PD sometimes for team building. Always for relationship building and culture! #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:48:14
@VillageSr we have made an effort to let our classrooms spill into the hallways... benches and reading nooks, also a garden... #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:48:03
@tiahenriksen I have known admins who were afraid of K. FACE YOUR FEARS! Come learn what we do! #kinderchat
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:55:46
After the chat was done, I exported the tweets I curated to my blog here on WordPress. It was an easy way to create a quick post.
I think Matt Gomez ended the chat well with his tweet below. I agree that we are only as smart as the people we surround ourselves with, and #kinderchat will definitely raise your IQ!
@mauimickey The smartest person in the room IS the room. #kinderchat peeps have a large room full of smart people! #globalteam
Mon, Nov 19 2012 18:49:08