This week we examine how curiosity can improve our capacities as school leaders.
In this post, I share my current theory of practice on how to build a literacy culture with other school leaders.
It speaks to the power of reflective writing that the previous post was a response to a blog post I published six months ago: Choices, Priorities, and the Power of “What if…”.
Often the barriers to our work as leaders are the ones we create for ourselves, something I wrote about in this post.
How do we rethink our routines and be more mindful of our habits in school? Connect with other administrators next week Thursday, February 7 at 8 P.M. CST for an #AWSAConnect Twitter chat.
I wrote a short reader response to a new principal’s resource, Repositioning Educational Leadership. I think it would serve well as a textbook for a graduate level research course.
The book that piqued my interest in the principalship was Improving Schools From Within by Roland Barth. It’s a classic!
Once every month or two, I write a column for our local newspaper, The Democrat Tribune. They don’t have an online version, so I posted my article “Screen Time and Kids” on my website.
This New York Times article by Benedict Carey provides a nice summary of the current research on screen time and potential effects on children.
How do we measure school culture in order to celebrate and grow? Check out my response to the main characteristics of a healthy school culture in this post.
These characteristics are described in more detail in Regie Routman’s newest book, Literacy Essentials: Engagement, Excellence, and Equity for All Students.