Making a Case for iPads
Within the next month or so, I along with two other administrators may be going to our board of education with a proposal to purchase iPads for our K-5 buildings. Specifically, we would be looking at four iPads per K-2 classroom and a mobile cart of 30 at grades 3-5
Here is our argument for "Why iPads" in contrast to laptops or desktops.
Elementary iPad Plan Rationale
Goal 1: Enhance learning through the use of software identified to meet the needs of the WRPS curriculum.
Goal 2: Exposure to mobile computing.
Goal 3: Share effective uses in the district.
Why iPads?
Excellent tool for content creation:
Wide array of educational apps and functionality.
Highly engaging for younger students. They will pick this up before using a laptop or desktop.
Integration of camera, photos, videos, annotating PDFs, etc - many critical technology tools in one device
Can be used on the Smarter Balanced Assessment
Can be used as an e-reader for reading.
Basic keyboarding instruction.
Currently used to teach the K-12 Technology Literacy curriculum in BYOC.
Currently used as a tool for intervention, such as in speech and language. Lots of potential for Response to Intervention (RtI)
Administrative support (each elementary principal has one to model learning)
Why not Desktops or laptops?
Many legacy software programs will be obsolete (i.e. Breakthrough to Literacy) when we migrate to Windows 7. A need will exist to replace these programs. The iPad offers a wider array of inexpensive apps.
Not mobile.
More of a learning curve for younger kids. They innately know how to use an iPad.
Computing power not quite as high of a need in elementary classrooms.
Questions to consider...
Would you agree with our assessment? If no, where does your thinking differ?
What would you add, delete or revise?
We haven't focused on the how or the why as much as the what. Is that critical at this point in the implementation process, considering our audience?
Please share any insights in the comments. Feedback from my PLN is highly valued.