Making the Case for Better Meetings
For many, the word "meeting" has a negative connotation. Ask anyone to conjure up images and they may think of piles of paperwork that will end up in the recycle bin, pointless PowerPoints, and styrofoam coffee cups stuffed with candy wrappers, evidence of last ditch efforts by staff to load up on caffeine in order to remain focused.
As someone new to leading a school, a focus of mine is to make meetings more meaningful. Here are some strategies that I have learned from others, along with other tips I have discovered the hard way.
1. Have an agenda and stick to it.
This comment was reiterated at my PBIS training today, and it cannot be said enough. For me and many others, it is nice to see the topics ahead of time so I can plan my thinking. Also, the only topics to be discussed are limited to what is written means there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
2. Use data in a visual format.
Throwing a bunch of numbers in front of unsuspecting staff is just that, a bunch of numbers. Putting those same numbers in an arresting display catches the eye and solicits engagement. Once you have their attention...
3. Provide a framework for discussion.
I like to use a five step data analysis process to guide our discussions. It keeps the language consistent and our feedback objective with each other, especially helpful when we are looking at teacher's assessment results of their students. We try not to judge, just listen and ask for clarification to promote reflection.
4. Let the teachers do the talking.
My role is to start, facilitate and guide the discussion, not to flaunt what I think I know. The best answers come from within. As long as the discussion is about kids, generally positive and constructive, and uses evidence to support decisions, I see no need to interfere.
5. Follow up with minutes.
This is an area that I am slowly getting better at. Handwritten notes are fine, but I find myself placing them on my pile of things to do when I get back to my office. How big is your "To do" pile? Bringing my laptop and typing what was said during discussion ensures that the minutes will be ready for immediate delivery to all staff with one click of the Send button.
One of my favorite positive quotes about meetings is from Todd Whitaker, who stated, "One goal of every faculty meeting is that teachers should be more excited about teaching tomorrow than they were today". This advice, along with the strategies mentioned above, are all ideas I have gleaned from other educational leaders that work for me. What works for you and your staff?