This is a special newsletter, highlighting the ten most memorable blog posts I read this year. Thank you for sharing your ideas! (Photo credit: Simon Maage on Unsplash)
Hattie Maguire (@TeacherHattie) at Moving Writers shares how she uses blogging to grow independent writers in her high school English classes.
Christina Torres (@biblio_phile) at On Being writes about how teaching saves her life every single day at her middle school in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Mary Beth Nicklaus (@MBethNicklaus) at Wisconsin English Journal reflects on guiding boys to stay true to their self-selected novels during reading intervention in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin.
Benjamin Doxtdator (@doxdatorb) at Long View on Education questions whether innovation in education can be reduced to a mindset or a quality such as grit.
Ariel Sacks (@arielsacks) at Education Week Blog makes a case that school librarians are the literacy leaders we need, especially in light of cuts to this area.
Tom Whitby (@tomwhitby) at My Island View points out the need for personalized professional development for teachers to make a shift to more modern instructional practices.
Cathy Mere (@CathyMere) at Reflect & Refine gains some perspective about what’s important after a personal artifact broke in her home.
Rachael George (@runnin26) at All We Do is Educate reflects on a hill she has avoided on her regular runs for years, until one day…
Chris Kennedy (@chrkennedy) at Culture of Yes pauses to question the statement, “You must really miss the classroom”, as a school administrator.
Stephanie Affinito (@affinitolit) at Dr. Stephanie Affinito is inspired by an airport vending machine to create a board and help teachers advocate for what they need regarding professional learning.
Don’t have a blog but want some motivation to start one? Check out my post on the many benefits that blogging about our work can bring for others and for ourselves.