In this annual post, I highlight a shortlist of blog posts I found memorable and you might too.
Most Memorable Blog Posts - 2019
Stop What You’re Doing and Confer by Stefanie Jochman (Moving Writers)
More Than Kindness by Sheri Edwards (What Else)
Hall Pass by P. L. Thomas (Radical Eyes for Equity)
Helping Students to See the Beauty in a Place Like Baltimore by Jessica Lifshitz (Crawling Out of the Classroom)
The Best Innovation Ever by Bill Ferriter (The Tempered Radical)
Old Habits Die Hard: How Learning Goals Can Stifle Deep Learning by Melanie Ralph (Lustre)
My Most Favorite Books I’ve Ever Read by Elisabeth Ellington (The Dirigible Plum)
A #nanowrimo Goal: Teacher Writer Self Care by Megan Kortlandt (Moving Writers)
Additional Content
Ever wanted to use Twitter for building a professional learning network but weren’t sure how? Check out this post, a collection of screencasts to get you started.
Your K-12 social studies curriculum is ripe for revisiting. In this short article, I highlight others’ ideas on the topic plus two picture books that can guide students to start thinking more critically about the past, present, and future.