Moving Forward
The following is a letter to Howe Elementary School families regarding my decision to take a new position in Mineral Point, Wisconsin.
On Monday, May 23, I was hired as elementary principal in the Mineral Point Area School District. This position will allow for some curriculum duties as well as more opportunities to write, consult, and facilitate professional learning for other educators. I have enjoyed my time as the building leader at Howe and as an educator with Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools for the past seventeen years.
Change is a natural part of life. We see it in the seasons, in our kids growing up, and as technologies and globalization create a smaller planet. One of the few constants in our lives is change.
What is not a constant is how we respond during these seasons of change. Situations arise that cause a disruption in our lives, and we can view them in one of two ways: As obstacles to be overcome, or as opportunities to embrace. Our perspectives about these types of situations are guided by our beliefs about learning and life, which informs our judgment. As a father, I want to model for my own kids how to discern between the two and be open to the possibilities.
When I became principal at Howe Elementary School five years ago, I believed that this is where I would remain as an educator. Then I became connected. Resources and ideas were available everywhere via Twitter, Google+, and professional blogs. I learned from others outside my own immediate circle and my knowledge expanded. Pretty soon I was blogging and tweeting myself, which led to publishing articles and books about educational leadership and classroom technology. It’s been harder to balance this position and my writing efforts.
My journey has taken an unexpected path that has diverged from my current position. This is not a move for the better or for the worse. It is simply the next step moving forward which had to be taken elsewhere. I wish everyone the best here at Howe and in the Wisconsin Rapids area. I am very proud of our accomplishments as a learning community.
Mr. Renwick