My response to my son's teacher, who asked me about tablets in the classroom
I would recommend the iPad 2. Kindle Fire does not have a camera. All other tablets pale in comparison. My preference for cover is the ZooGue, $50 but heavy duty and can be propped up to be used as a station in classrooms.
With this device you can take the picture, upload it from the iPad's photo library to the Shutterfly app, and your share site is ready. Saves lots of time transferring pics from one place to the other. I've tried it at Howe and it works well.
We are ordering iPads now for teachers to use by January. I have used them with a few students to promote reading and math. The possibilities are limitless, but two examples of apps I use are Evernote and Dragon Dictation. Evernote records someone speaking while you take notes. One use: students can record themselves reading while you do running records0 Play it back for instance feedback, and share with parents when needed. Dragon Dictation simply dictates what someone says into the device. Good tool for immediate student feedback with their reading fluency and diction. Both apps are free.
To get quick, free and easy PD, I highly recommend getting on Twitter if you don't already use it. My name is @HowePrincipal. I'd be happy to give a shout out for you if you decide to join, to build your Professional Learning Network (PLN) - let me know if interested. I find it very beneificial because the people that I follow and those that follow me (principals, tech coordinators) have similar interests and many times more experience in certain areas. Lots of educators are on it. They share many resources for all things iPad and learning. Also, "Tweeps" have chats to bounce ideas off of each other. Way better than Facebook.
You are welcome to join the Howe book study w/ iPads; we are reading "How to Deal with Difficult Parents" and iPad PD will be imbedded within the study. Starts in January, ends in April. If you are interested and have a device by then, let me know and I can get you set up. You just would have to purchase the iBook. Would you have PD funds to support this purchase? I would think so, maybe Terry or Kelly can help.
Let me know how I can be of assistance in the future.