This week we focus on reflecting on our beliefs and our practices.
Leadership is not about reaching a destination; it’s a constant state of reflection and renewal. I explore this idea in this post.
A few readers inquired about the examining literacy beliefs process I use in our school. It comes from Read, Write, Lead: Breakthrough Strategies for Schoolwide Literacy Success by Regie Routman (ASCD, 2014).
Another way to foster reflection and professional growth is through a book study. Check out the smart responses from the blog’s contributors for the last two book study groups we hosted.
Instead of avoiding conflict, what if we viewed it as an opportunity for learning? In this post, I hypothesize how a conversation around leveled literacy assessments might be productive instead of problematic.
A book I have previewed on the topic of professional conflict is Having Hard Conversations by Jennifer Abrams. It seems practical and relevant for any teacher or leader.
Another book related to this topic that I have read and would recommend is Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kenny Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler.
When we think of the concept of innovation, the tendency is to imagine something brand new. I suggest in this post that timeless practices, when developed at a deep level, have as much to offer as anything.
The previous post was partly prompted by an article I reread, Stop Innovating in Education. Please. by Will Richardson. What do you think? Do you agree or disagree with Richardson’s point of view?
Earlier this year I published a short eBook with FreshGrade on assessing innovation in education, Looking to the Future. You can download the free text by clicking here.
Stacey Shubitz shares a helpful digital tool for students to use when trying to cite their sources in this post for Two Writing Teachers blog.
Do you teach post-secondary literacy courses for current/future educators, or know someone who does? Regie Routman’s new book Literacy Essentials now has a college course curriculum; click here to download it for free.