Ten Ways to Not Make Mistakes as a School Principal
Always try to find a happy medium when working with staff and families regarding complex problems.
Announce all of your classroom visits and observations. That way teachers will have a heads up when you are coming and will be better prepared for instruction.
In your newsletters to families, avoid writing about topics beyond appopriate clothing for the seasons, upcoming school events, and generic forms of praise.
Don't ever veer from the student handbook regarding attendance and student discipline, regardless of the circumstances or context.
Allow faculty issues to fester until it comes to head, and then swoop in to solve it for them.
Avoid the staff lounge for fear of catching unpleasant remarks about you or your performance as a principal.
Make no moves forward right away with an initiative to allow all staff members to feel more comfortable with the possibility of change.
Attend every teacher/team meeting and take copious notes. This will ensure that there are no surprises and conversations run smoothly.
Expect that teachers stick closely to the prescribed programs and collect weekly lesson plans. This way, the curriculum will be delivered with fidelity.
Have an open door policy so you can drop everything you are doing when someone stops in and asks if you've got a minute.
(This post is satirical, of course. Avoidance and black-and-white thinking may be less demanding cognitively, but the results are often worse than if we had acted. We were hired to be leaders and learners. So - lead and learn!)