This Year
— Peanuts On This Day (@Peanuts50YrsAgo) December 31, 2018
The new year always seems to offer a deal: if you resolve to make a change for the next twelve months, it will begin on January 1.
It's nice to think about. A restart can be motivating and cause one to engage in some reflection, goal-setting, and a sense of renewal. "This year, I resolve to... (fill in the blank)."
But the new year is a bit of a false promise. January 1 is only tomorrow. Today is Monday. I'm not trying to dampen anyone's mood; in fact, I encourage you to take an optimistically realistic stance about the new year. Maybe by taking a step back and appreciating the journey we've been on, we can develop resolutions that will keep the momentum going (instead of trying to recreate ourselves in a matter of 24 hours).
This can happen through reflection, goal-setting, and renewal. It is not without context. Last year matters. There were points for celebrations and areas for growth. Consider the following questions to respond to in your journal as you prepare for the upcoming year.
What accomplishments am I most proud of so far? Go back as far as you want. For example, I wrote out milestones in my writing career starting in 2012. Big or small, all celebrations were included.
Based on my past, where do I want to grow professionally and personally? I believe in keeping our goals limited to no more than two, aligned with the classic organizational leadership book Good to Great by Jim Collins. Professionally (as a writer), I want to self-host my sites in order to take advantage of more web tools. Personally, I want to improve my exercise/activity habits (and if I lose some weight in the process...:-).
How might I achieve these goals? The word "might" is key here; it offers many possibilities vs. one pathway toward success. So...I am trying out the Amazon Affiliate program for this blog. I don't like monetizing the site, but I haven't found a better method that doesn't interfere with the readers' experience. Regarding my personal goal, I am going to develop a schedule of activities that keep me interested and wanting to come back. Neither may work. I have permission to try new approaches in those situations.
It bears repeating: the upcoming year is not without context. Last year had lots of experiences to reflect upon and to celebrate. Next year (yes, 2020) holds more opportunities. Instead of focusing on New Year's Day, what about today?