What One Resource Would You Refer to for Teaching and Learning?
I was asked this question, in so many words, by a guest touring my school today. My response was, "Uhh, well, uhmm...". I obviously didn't have an immediate answer. There are too many great resources out there to make an easy selection.
I threw this question out on Twitter.
I was asked today what professional resource I would refer to that would support best practices in the classroom. What would you have said?
— Matt Renwick (@ReadByExample) December 13, 2013
Here were the smart responses.
@ReadByExample I refer to Edutopia a lot, for a variety of reasons.
— Chris ONeal (@onealchris) December 13, 2013
@ReadByExample Twitter and PBL in the Elementary Classroom #edchat
— Courtney Cohron (@CCohron) December 13, 2013
@ReadByExample Any book, blog, or tweet from anyone associated with @TCRWP . Brilliant thinkers & learners. Best PD around.
— Susan Verdi (@sacchetti7) December 13, 2013
@ReadByExample English Companion Ning is go-to online, + keep 20ish "top books" (from @KyleneBeers to @TeachLikeAChamp) near my desk...
— Maggie Dorsey (@4MaggieD) December 13, 2013
@ReadByExample Best Practice 4th Edition by @smokeylit and @StevenZemelman. Crosses content areas and grade levels.
— Mindi Rench (@mindi_r) December 13, 2013
@ReadByExample Twitter!
— Ashley Hurley (@ashleyhhurley) December 13, 2013
@ashleyhhurley @ReadByExample agreed! #twitterteaches
— Jamie Graper (@ThatsJustGraper) December 13, 2013
@ReadByExample Both The Book Whisperer and Reading in the Wild by @donalynbooks! Hands down amazing and necessary.
— Jen Vincent (@mentortexts) December 13, 2013
@ReadByExample @responsiveclass Responsive Classroom!
— Gurney Tech/Library (@GurneyTech) December 13, 2013
As you can see, there were a wide variety of responses. If this were an election, Twitter would be the winner. Several online resources were also mentioned. I was a little surprised that more actual books were not suggested. For me, I referenced Visible Learning by Dr. John Hattie (Routledge, 2009). What's great about education is that learning is complex enough to allow for a variety of responses with this type of inquiry.
So what is your go-to resource for teaching and learning? Please share in the comments.