Jan 29, 2023Liked by Matt Renwick

Matt, lots for us to consider in this thoughtful post.

Reading your tech u-turn (on using Luma) reminded me of the technology revolution in pedagogy I was anticipating on return to campus after the pandemic. Yet, what actually happened was that everyone, including parents and students, simply wanted to get back to normal. Ok, there were a number of 'low-hanging-tech-fruit' gains made in terms of hybrid flexibility for parent conferences and internal/external meetings and professional development etc, but certainly not the seismic shift in adoption of new ways of interacting with each other that occurred from pre-pandemic to during.

Rather than a technology revolution/disruption on coming back together, they were mere ripples, more like a slow evolution. Perhaps that's what happened with the community you've built here. Culture and community take time - similar to how we learn to appreciate nature - its 'slow pedagogy' or 'pedagogical creep'. With adults I would posit that 'andragogical creep' is even slower, as adults tend to compare and contrast the new and existing when presented with change. If there's not an immediate and substantial benefit, often firstly from a 'what's in it for me perspective, then the activation energy required to adopt the new (change) will not be invested - the barrier to un-learn and re-learn comes down.

Embracing ChatGPT with our community for example, we introduced the platform with staff and students using a range of 'selfish' activities (note: we did not phrase it like that :)) We let them play, explore, more importantly, marinate - the best ideas and deep connections occur after you've given over time for it to 'stew', to 'sleep on it'. Then we came back to them after a week or so and asked questions like, "How do you think this will affect education?", "How can this tool be used to assist us in our role?" I'm confident the fidelity of their responses was higher as a consequence of framing it through themselves first, and letting organic connections within faculty/student body occur in the subsequent days. Next for us will be parents...

The ingredients worked: Me 1st, vocation 2nd

I suppose it's similar to the gradual release of responsibility model: "I do, we do, you do".

Thanks for always triggering my thinking (be it correct or different) with your writing.



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Thanks Brian for thinking along with me.

I appreciate the slow pedagogy/pedagogical creep language to describe what actually seems to happen with technology in schools. We need some deliberateness in these fast times. Love the questions and time to process the experience.

Take care,


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Right on. Your reminder to remember our strengths and see effort to improve not as evidence of something wrong but as evidence of something right that can be even better is timely. I really like this perspective.

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Thanks Terry. I appreciate the affirmation!

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