Tyler, I think that the questions you posed are great way to start setting the stage for effective coaching. It is so important that administrators and coaches work together to identify a common vision for what coaching will look like and what the purpose is. This also needs to be communicated clearly to staff. This helps a lot toward full transparency and building trust. Your attributes for an effective coach are spot on with what needs to be seen in our schools' instructional coaches. I have seen situations where instructional coaches are referred to as the "coaching police". This type of coaching culture does not help teachers become more effective. In fact is does quite the opposite. It leads to avoidance and/or going through the motions. This comes back to setting up the purpose of instructional coaching and what can be expected. Thanks for your thought-provoking post!

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I appreciate these points, Rhonda, about partnerships between coach and admin and schoolwide coaching perceptions. These are good topics to continue to explore and write about.

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