Read by Example
Read by Example
Jackie Witter-Easley on Capturing Literacy Moments

Jackie Witter-Easley on Capturing Literacy Moments

We have more time in the school day to engage in authentic literacy experiences than we think. Transitions, snack breaks, and walking in the hallways can all offer opportunities for brief yet effective interactions around text and with each other.

In this episode of the Read by Example podcast, Dr. Jackie Witter Easley shares how educators can capture these literacy moments. She offers specific strategies, such as:

  • setting up the classroom environment to invite students to notice and wonder,

  • including kids in the development of literacy spaces and tasks, and

  • re-envisioning what authentic literacy activities can become for remote learning.

Once we see the school day not as a series of subjects but rather as an opportunity anytime for literacy, time seems to be more on our side.

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