Matt, this was a great start to the book study for me because it is a tension I struggle with. I have spent time with others where one or the other is prioritized too much leading to frustrations. I think this is why, like a basketball game, you need skilled people you trust and enjoy working with to ebb and flow through the roles together. It would be a great discussion post for a leadership team to start the year with. Thanks!

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Matt, I really appreciate the analogies and stories threaded throughout your posts and responses to the posts of others. They help to make the content even more relatable, cause me to pause and reflect on similar stories/events, and look for gaps in my own learning. For instance, I'm thinking about your comment "We only notice management when the processes and systems don't work." When staff are complaining, it's almost always because the management piece has fallen apart. It's a fine dance, this interdependence of leadership and management, and I agree, you cannot have one without the other.

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Thanks for sharing Matt. Both are essential as you state , the system needs school leaders who understand and can balance both leadership and management..... A daunting and crucial task.

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