Excellent article. Whether called Shared Writing or Modeled Writing, getting up in front of the students and thinking out loud while you compose a piece of writing is a godsend to the students. There are so many things they can see, understand and engage with. It should be done frequently since learning is recursive. In turn, teachers need to see this modeled for them again and again so they can fully grasp the nuances and the power of this strategy. Often we just “tell” teachers about it — and like anything new and unmodeled, it may not make sense.
Excellent article. Whether called Shared Writing or Modeled Writing, getting up in front of the students and thinking out loud while you compose a piece of writing is a godsend to the students. There are so many things they can see, understand and engage with. It should be done frequently since learning is recursive. In turn, teachers need to see this modeled for them again and again so they can fully grasp the nuances and the power of this strategy. Often we just “tell” teachers about it — and like anything new and unmodeled, it may not make sense.