Oops, I think I shared this only with subscribers. Sorry! I'll be sure to publish for all next time.

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Just opened up the thread for everyone.

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What would you say is the most important thing you're doing as a schools to maximize your COLLECTIVE intervention impact across the learning day?

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In other words: focusing on Tier 1/Core instruction. This wasn't a pie in the sky decision either. We could see in our reading assessments and school report card that kids weren't growing from year to year like they were with mathematics.

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This to me is the #1 most important piece. We have a knee-jerk reaction sending kids off the fix it room and washing our hands of the responsibility that can come ONLY from the first line of defense. I would suggest that the needs of MANY of our intervention kids would be better served within tier 1 with differentiated support across the learning day. That's why I love the workshop model because it affords us the flexibility of showing fidelity to kids over programs!

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Yes, that is frustrating. More teachers are embracing workshop as a teaching approach b/c it aligns well with our instructional framework (gradual release/OLM). One challenge I see with workshop is it seems to require continuous professional learning to be effective, at least for teaching readers. (see my response below)

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But I think that's true of most anything if it's going to be effective. We must change as kids change and those changes make us curious enough to know more. It's never-ending

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True, and teaching is such a complex endeavor itself.

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This year, learning how to write curriculum. Ensure our beliefs and practices are embedded in the units of study. We are starting with social studies and integrating literacy. Here is my/our PD plan for the year, which also serves as an example of a unit of study: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IBZXWP8EXix2yqLYb5-lo7q3TZSccGYQ/view?usp=sharing

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This is an amazing plan and your page titled Reading the World: The Importance of Perspective-Taking and Social Imagination for a Just Society is so well-written! I'm wondering if your entire staff of K-5 teachers participate in this PD throughout the year, or just some? How many representatives from each grade?

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Thank you Jamie, I appreciate you joining the conversation. Yes, our entire faculty has been engaged in this PD once a month during our regularly scheduled PLC time. Everyone participates so that eventually PLCs can do this work in small groups/teams to achieve a "guaranteed and viable curriculum" (ubiquitous PLC mantra).

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Wow! Awesome!

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I love this and I especially love the thought that goes into it. i think you HAVE to start with your own reality because that can be the make or break of it all.

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Yes, every school in different spots. Before this, we focused more on Tier 2/3 intervention processes to ensure student supports were more equitably distributed. We have data now that shows this programming seems to be working. Next year? My PD push will be for coming back to the instruction side of things and go through the Regie Routman in Residence: Reading to Understand video series. But we will decide as an instructional leadership team.

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I wish that every school could experience Regie's wisdom. I think she can be the catalyst to real change!

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