
Enhancing Writing Instruction: Insights from "How to Become a Better Writing Teacher"

Video Archive

In this engaging conversation with educators Vivian Chen, Debra Crouch, and Jared Kubota, we discuss the second half of How to Become a Better Writing Teacher by Carl Anderson and Matt Glover. The conversation revolves around practical insights, challenges, and strategies from the book that can transform writing instruction in classrooms.

Key Discussion Points

Book Selection and Initial Impressions

  • Matt shares why he selected this book for the discussion.

  • Guests discuss their initial reactions and the impact of the book on their teaching practices.

Challenges of Implementing the Workshop Model

  • Discussion on the complexities and benefits of the workshop model in writing instruction.

  • Vivian Chen highlights the importance of organizational skills and tools to manage the workshop's moving parts.

Effective Use of Mentor Texts

  • Debra Crouch talks about the importance of selecting relevant and effective mentor texts.

  • The value of immersing students in high-quality writing examples to enhance their understanding.

Conferring with Students

  • Jared Kubota shares insights on the value of student conferences and the importance of personalized feedback.

  • Strategies for balancing conferences in dual-language classrooms.

Building Trust through Partnerships

  • The significance of keeping writing partnerships stable over time to build trust and enhance feedback quality.

  • Matt and Debra discuss the balance between long-term partnerships and varied feedback sources.

Integrating Social-Emotional Learning (SEL)

  • Jared emphasizes the integration of SEL within writing workshops.

  • Techniques for teaching students how to give and receive feedback constructively.

Tips for Educators

  • Practical tips from the book that can be implemented immediately in the classroom.

  • Guests share their favorite strategies and how they plan to use them in their teaching.

Reflections and Closing Thoughts

  • Guests reflect on their learning journey and the book's impact on their professional growth.

  • Final thoughts and appreciation for the collaborative discussion.

This episode is a must-listen for educators seeking practical strategies to improve their writing instruction and create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students.