
How to Become a Better Writing Teacher #1

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In this podcast, we delve into the world of writing instruction with internationally recognized expert Carl Anderson, co-author with Matt Glover of How to Become a Better Writing Teacher.

Carl is the author of several acclaimed books including A Teacher's Guide to Writing Conferences and A Teacher's Guide to Mentor Texts K-5. Carl shares insights from his extensive experience working with schools and districts, discussing the importance of writing instruction and providing practical strategies for educators at all levels.

Key takeaways from the conversation include:

  1. The journey of becoming a better writing teacher: Carl and his co-author Matt Glover emphasize that the work of teaching writing is ongoing and dynamic. Their book provides actionable steps and personalized guidance for teachers at different stages of their careers, from novices to seasoned veterans.

  2. Collaboration and professional development: Carl and Matt's collaboration, born out of webinars during the pandemic, highlights the power of professional learning communities and ongoing support in refining writing instruction practices.

  3. Advocating for writing: Amidst standardized testing and shifting curricular priorities, Carl emphasizes the importance of advocating for dedicated time and resources for writing instruction. He encourages educators to engage in conversations with administrators and colleagues to ensure that writing receives the attention it deserves in schools.

With practical insights, personal anecdotes, and a commitment to empowering educators, this conversation and Carl’s and Matt’s book are a valuable resource for anyone passionate about nurturing young writers.

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