Sitemap - 2016 - Read by Example
What I'm Reading: December 2016
Developing a Growth Mindset within a Culture of Compliance
What should you do when students have already read or heard the book?
Learning Management Systems: Who are they for?
Makerspaces and Opportunities for Learning Literacy
Most Memorable Blogs Posts of the Year - 2016
Costs and Benefits of Social Media in Education
Virtual Learning: Benefits and Challenges
Productivity Tools: What Do You Use?
Ripe for Change: Digital Media as a Tool for Innovation in Disciplinary Literacy
The Thin Line Between Critical Literacy and New Literacies
Three Ways to Increase Student Engagement in Reading
Personalized Learning: Exploring the What, Why and How
School Principal: Lead Learner? Lead Reader?
Data-Driven or Data-Informed? Thoughts on trust and evaluation in education
My Current Thinking on Library Media Specialists and 21st Century Learning
Yes, School Funding Does Matter
Life-Ready: An Alternative to College and Career Readiness
Ten Ways to Not Make Mistakes as a School Principal
Blogging is Writing & So Much More
Personalization: Necessary or Nice in Education?
Recent Books I've Read and Recommend
The Sometimes Unnecessariness of Technology
Initial Findings After Implementing Digital Student Portfolios in Elementary Classrooms
The Possibilities of No Wireless Access
The Principal’s Bookshelf: What I’ve Read, What I’m Reading, and What I Plan on Reading
What is your favorite software for writing?
Do We Really Need a Garage? (and other things I am starting to rethink)
The Three P's of Learning and Living
Action Research: Professional Learning from Within
Revision Assistant: Provide Better Feedback for Student Writing
Encouraging Nonfiction Reading During the Summer
Rejection is a Doorway to Opportunity
Three Recommended Technologies for Digital Student Portfolios
Recommended Reading - Population: 485 by Michael Perry
Connecting Instructional Walks with Teacher Frameworks
PDF Copy Available of "Student Engagement and the Opportunity Gap"
Student Engagement and Closing the Opportunity Gap: An Action Plan, Part 2
Student Engagement and Closing the Opportunity Gap: An Action Plan, Part 1
Student Engagement and Closing the Opportunity Gap
Are you going to take a quiz on that book?
Make a Book Map with Google Maps
The Promise and Perils of Technology in Education
How do we separate achievement and effort?
Podcast: Five Commonly Accepted Myths About Education Technology @BAMRadio @ASCD
Redesigning Learning Spaces for Creativity and Innovation
Student Engagement Still Low in U.S. Schools
Four Takeaways from AcceleratED and IntegratED #IPDX16
Do I Really Need an Apple Watch?
What Educators Can Learn from Uber
From Idea to Iteration: Honoring the Process of Learning #IPDX16
Top Seven Takeaways from the Wisconsin State Reading Association Convention #WSRA16
How do I share a video with others without uploading it to YouTube?
How Can I Rethink Reading Logs with High Schoolers?
School Leaders: Take the Next Step with Technology #IPDX16
Going Schoolwide with Reading Engagement: Start with Success (and lots of interesting books)
Technology for the Sake of Technology: Consider the Why and the How
School Leaders as Readers: The Winter 2016 Book Choice
Recommended Read Alouds During the Winter Months