Sitemap - 2020 - Read by Example
How Cris Tovani Uses Literacy Strategies to Engage Her Most Reluctant Students
Five Most Popular Articles of 2020
Fixing Problems, or Finding Our Way?
What "Teaching the Reader First" Means to Me
Why Trust Matters More Than Ever: A Conversation with Megan Tschannen-Moran
Writing Tip #3 (of 9): Capture and Organize Your Stories
Writing Tip #2 (of 9): Examine Sources of Tension
Request: What memorable lesson have you learned about or through coaching?
Strategies for Literacy and Life
Writing Tip #1 (of 9): Images as Entry Points
Leading a School with Design Thinking: A Conversation with Jethro Jones
Why We Will Not Be Doing Teacher Evaluations This Year
Educators as Writers: A Seasonal Opportunity for Reflection and Renewal
Want to Achieve Your Goals? Use These Five Reflection Routines When Journaling
The Only Way Through is Together
Discussion: How do we maintain the system when educators are stressed out?
Tonight's Discussion: How do we maintain the system when educators are stressed out?
How to Make Teacher Supervision and Evaluation Work with Rachael Gabriel and Sarah Woulfin
The Future of Literacy and Leadership
Four Strategies to Effectively Engage Students in Online Discussions
Decisions That Make a Difference
Create Your Ideal Curriculum: Now Available as an eBook
Clarify, Document, Discuss: Facilitating Faculty Conversations for Instructional Coherence
Creative Leadership and Learning
Session 4, Part 1: Defining Student Engagement
Session 4, Part 2: A Framework for Fostering Student Engagement
Session 4, Part 3: Conditions and Processes for Student Learning
Session 4, Part 4: Project Out Possibilities for Learning
Session 3, Part 1: The Balance Between Clarity and Autonomy
Session 3, Part 2: Assessment that Educates
Session 3, Part 3: Two Approaches for Authentic Performance Tasks
Session 3, Part 4: Feedback Needs a Plan
Place-based Learning vs. Project-based Learning: Two Approaches for Authentic Assessment
What is your go-to read aloud for the first day of school?
Session 2, Part 1: What Students Need to Know Now and For the Future
Session 2, Part 2: Determine What is "Lifeworthy"
Session 2, Part 3: The Role of Standards When Developing Curriculum
Session 2, Part 4: Create a Clear Pathway Toward Success
Session 1, Part 1: Revisiting our Reasons for Getting into Education
Session 1, Part 2: The Difference Between Knowledge and Expertise
Session 1, Part 3: Overview of an Ideal Unit of Study
Session 1, Part 4: Read Curriculum Resources with a Critical Eye
How to Read Your Curriculum Resources with a Critical Eye
“The Only Change That Can Occur”
One of the Best Pieces of Advice for Instructional Leadership in Uncertain Times
What books do you recommend for 2020-2021?
Literacy/Leadership Rules and Tools
How I Filter Feedback to Improve My Practice
What's Safe Enough to Try? A Conversation with Anthony Kim, author of The New School Rules
Five Strategies for Reading Professional Resources
A Support System for Uncertain Times
Engaging Literate Minds: It Takes Time #engaginglitminds
Choice and Engagement During a Pandemic #engaginglitminds
Engaging Literate Minds Zoom Chat: July 15, 2020
When Students are Engaged #engaginglitminds
What is assessment for? #engaginglitminds
Expertise Matters #engaginglitminds
Be Authentic #engaginglitminds
Routines and Relationships for Managing Uncertainty #engaginglitminds
Four Strategies for Learning to Love and Use Words #engaginglitminds
Inquiries: The "Hidden Agenda” in Classrooms #engaginglitminds
A Call to Action through Authentic Literacy Experiences #engaginglitminds
How can we make our curriculum "permeable"? (Engaging Literate Minds Book Discussion, Ch. 8-10)
Announcement: Join a live conversation around Engaging Literate Minds
Jackie Witter-Easley on Capturing Literacy Moments
The Great Feast Reimagined #engaginglitminds
Building Engagement No Matter Where We End Up #engaginglitminds
A Simple Lesson Structure for Fostering Student Engagement #engaginglitminds
Engaging Literate Minds Book Study Discussion, Chapters 4-7
The Benefits of Perspective #engaginglitminds
The Reciprocity of Executive Function and Literacy Development #engaginglitminds
Building Collective Knowledge Through Conversation #engaginglitminds
Engaging Literate Minds: Rethinking Productivity #engaginglitminds
Engaging Literate Minds Book Study Discussion, Chapters 1-4
Teaching for Today and Tomorrow #engaginglitminds
A Special Place #engaginglitminds
Writers Workshop: Imagining What is Possible #engaginglitminds
Authentic Assessment in the Digital Age
What questions, comments or shares do you have prior to the Engaging Literate Minds book study?
Five Ideas from Parents for the Next School Year
Four Conditions for Writing (and learning and creating in general)
An update on this newsletter, the 2020 summer book study, and the blog (no discussion today)
Rethinking Productivity During the Literacy Block
A Simple Lesson Structure for Engaging Literate Minds
How are you creating closure for the end of the school year? #wednesdaywondering
Kathy Champeau and Merry Komar on Engaging Literate Minds
Literacy and Learning Connections
Effective Feedback: Relationships First
What enduring educational idea/resource/strategy has stayed with you? #wednesdaywondering
Engaging Literate Minds Book Study Schedule
Readers-Writers Workshop: Simplifying Literary Analysis
What technologies are helping you structure teaching and learning? #wednesdaywondering
Epic Fail (Or Why We Should Prioritize the Learning Process)
What's working (or not) for balancing home and school during remote learning? #wednesdaywondering
Starting and Ending with Celebration
Student Expectations: What do we really believe?
Regie Routman on What's Essential Right Now in Education
What is going well for you right now? #wednesdaywondering
Read and Wonder: How do you read classic literature?
Reading Aloud as an Act of Compassion and Resistance
What have you let go of? #wednesdaywondering
Summer 2020 Book Study Title Announced @stenhousepub #EngagingLitMinds
How are you managing these days? #wednesdaywondering
What did Thoreau believe about reading?
How to Host a Successful Staff Meeting Online
Feedback Requested: How am I doing?
Structuring Our Days for Purpose and Focus
S.W.O.T. - A Structure for Reflection
Assessment From a Distance: Challenges and Possibilities
What assessment practices are working (and not) with distance learning? #wednesdaywondering
Read and Wonder: Should we connect our instruction to the current situation?
Using Zoom to Confer with Readers Online
Ask me anything! #wednesdaywondering
Online Instruction: Is it worth it?
How are you staying connected with students during the pandemic? #wednesdaywondering
Four Strategies for Effective Online Instruction
The Day We Checked Out the Library
No #wednesdaywondering Tonight (Parent-Teacher Conferences)
Long Term Change and The Leadership Gap
Leading School Change: Start with a Framework
How do you give feedback that fortifies? #wednesdaywondering
Shared Leadership: Balancing Power and Empowerment
Do We Over-Complicate Reading Instruction?
How to Use Goodreads to Share Your Reading Life, Parts 2 & 3
How to Use Goodreads to Share Your Reading Life, Part 1
What have you recently learned about literacy that others should know? #wednesdaywondering
Read and Wonder: Should we encourage students to read multiple texts at a time?
How do we balance authenticity with specific literacy outcomes? #wednesdaywondering
Schoolwide Literacy Excellence: Continuous Improvement as Stance
How can we create clarity for our teachers/students? #wednesdaywondering
Why You Should Assign Value to Your Work
Feedback Request for Wednesday Wonderings (discussion threads)
How to Avoid the Reading War (and engage in real dialogue about practice)
Leading PLCs: How should we structure our time?
Wednesday Wondering: AMA (Ask Me Anything!)
Read and Wonder: How do we match readers with a text?
Two Things All Students & Teachers Need
Striving for Equity: What Our Choices Reveal About Our Beliefs and Values
Wednesday Wondering: Reading Logs: A Tool for Reflection or Accountability?
Why Reflection is Critical for Assessment
Wednesday Wondering: What is your preferred method for recording conferring notes?
Ongoing Literacy Assessment: Finding a Balance
Leading Schoolwide Change: Where do we begin?
How should we assess learning in the digital age?
Wednesday Wondering: What can you learn from a student's book box?
Teacher Observations: We cannot see what we do not understand
What is Our Attention Worth? Reflecting on My Digital Declutter, Part 2
Wednesday Wondering: How do we find time to get into classrooms?